

Lazy spring

I'm thinking I want a vacation, to enjoy the spring, but I have to many thing to do, what are you thinking about?

photocredit: the electric

Hot and delicious

I love the combination sandals plus tighs, the more colorful you choose to be, the more original you become:)

source: Jack&Jill


Urban Outfitter - ELLE Italy

In the new season you can mix&match sportwaar with rock or chic clothes and add some masculine and nerdy accesories to get the new urban look.

photo credit: fashion copious


Evenimente : Pin up cu RFB Party cu insigne@The Vault

Le purtam pe sacou, pe tricouri, pe blugi sau pe geanta. Mici sau mari, new style sau old school, black&white sau very colorful, sunt peste tot. Ia-ti cele mai tari insigne cu tine, cheama-ti prietenii si let’s start a party.

Choose your mood, suggest your personality, pin up and be fashionable!

Dress cod: Insigne cat cuprinde


Evenimente: NEWs training

Pentru a-ti creste gradul de angajabilitate, ASJC iti aduce o solutie funky fresh. NEWs Training te ajută sa raspandesti ideile tale prin Buzz Marketing, sa scrii inedit cu Narrative Writing si sa iti impachetezi frumos mesajul prin Guerilla Pr.

ASJC ti-a pregatit trei zile de training in care sa te pui la curent cu cele mai noi tehnici de comunicare.

NEWs Training consta in trei zile de training pentru 90 de tineri. Temele abordate vor fi din domenii specifice jurnalismului, relatiilor publice si publicitatii, respectiv Narrative Writing, Guerilla PR si Buzz Marketing.

NEWs Training se va desfasura pe durata celor trei zile, astfel:

* Vineri, 16 aprilie: Buzz Marketing cu Catrinel Graepel, creative supervisorul agentiei de marketing experential Funky Business;
* Sambata, 17 aprilie: Guerilla PR cu Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, head of PR Division la agentia de relatii publice Millenium Communications;
* Duminica, 18 aprilie: Narrative Writing cu Cristian Lupsa, editor la publicatia Decat o Revista.

Mai multe detalii aici


Chic in the street

source: jack&jil


photo credits: jack&jil, glamour paraguaio

In any mood for beeing a rock chick?

source: the electric
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