

If i were a boy mania

Daca acum cateva luni pe buzele tuturor se fredona ,,I kissed a girl and I liked it/I hope my boyfriend won’t mind it”, si se potrivea ca manusa la gay guys more(zic eu), acum toate fetele canta ,,If I were a boy”. Sunt funny versurile astea, dar deja este o manie a luptei dintre sexe si mai ales in melodia lui Beyonce, fetele se cred dezavantajate si in bataie de joc intodeauna, in mainile ,,maleficilor” baieti si cam asa e adevaru’ de fapt, da tot noi fetele ascultam melodia, degeaba. Versurile te captiveaza la faza: ,, If I were a boy /I think I could understand/ How it feels to love a girl/I swear I’d be a better man/ I’d listen to her /Cause I know how it hurts” pentru ca asta e clar idealul fetei cand vine vorba de un baiat. Si totusi cand zice Beyonce: ,, I’d put myself first /And make the rules as I go/ Cause I know that she’d be faithful /Waitin’ for me to come home” ( mai stii?)Probabil Rihanna e in masura sa explice mai bine cu al ei Unfaithfull)

Un comentariu:

Raluca spunea...

c cute:Xlike the pic:P

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